

September 30th, 2024 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Transformers: The appointment and classification. The transformer is a static electromagnetic device with two (or more) coils, dedicated mostly to convert alternating current of one voltage alternating current of another voltage. The transformation of energy in the transformer by an alternating magnetic field. Transformers are widely used in electric power transmission over long the distance between the distribution of its receivers, as well as in various rectifying, amplifying, signaling and other devices. When the transmission of electrical energy from power plants to consumers in the current line causes energy loss in this line and the consumption of non-ferrous metals in its structure.

If at the same transmit power to increase the voltage, the amperage is as much reduced, and therefore can be use wire with a smaller cross-section. This will reduce the consumption of nonferrous metals in the device power line and reduce energy loss in it. The electrical energy produced in power plants synchronous generators with a voltage of 11-20 kV, and in some cases apply voltage of 30-35 kV. While these stresses are too high for direct use in production and for domestic use, they are insufficient to economical transmission of electricity over long distances. Additional information at Doronin supports this article. Further increase in voltage power lines (up to 750 kV and above) is carried out step-up transformers. The receivers of electric energy (light bulbs, motors, etc.) for security reasons to expect a lower voltage (110-380 V). In addition, the manufacture of electrical equipment, appliances and machines for high voltage is associated with significant structural complexities, as the live parts of these devices at high voltage requiring reinforced insulation.


Shanghai Art Restaurant

September 29th, 2024 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

The hotel staff will diligently take care of the guests on arrival. A spa-center with an unprecedented array of services and treatment techniques, relaxation and massage turned into a sanctuary of tranquility and bliss. Entertaining programs offered by the hotel, will be held at the Tea House. There, guests can sample every conceivable variety of Chinese tea and delicacies, as well as listen to traditional local music. In addition, guests will be offered and themselves to study the basics of tea ceremony, calligraphy, Chinese poetry and painting. But Zendai Art Hotel will occupy the first fourteen storeys Himalayas Art Center, and its interiors are also designed Chew. 300 hotel rooms, including suites, decorated in Chinese traditional style and equipped with everything necessary – from the big screen tv to wireless Internet.

At the hotel will operate a , wine, jazz and sushi bars, several bars and restaurants. And the Shanghai Art Restaurant invite guests to get acquainted with authentic Chinese cuisine. Learn more on the subject from Doronin. The hotel guests are a gym, yoga room, a study oxygen therapy pool. For meetings and events can rent one of conference rooms, a large hall with the penalty ceiling or roof garden.

Tired of “Let us friends”? In this guide you will find out what you can do, to get your relationship from the outset on the correct track, I am very often asked: “How I can avoid that a woman sees me later only as buddy?” And it is true that you must pay attention from the outset on several things, to guide the new relationship just right. Here I show you the consult both flirting tips you need to notice right at the beginning if you think you are, for the first time with a new woman these steps (will work of course not only online, but just as in real life). Rule # 1: avoid being the “nice guy” everyone says “be nice to women”. What is meant: “Be not hurtful or violent” – and that’s a real advice. But you look at, which means “nice” in reality: “nice” originally comes from the Latin. There it means “nescius” which translates so much means like “stupid” or “trottelig”.

Today is no different: If you especially “nice” are, you try but basically only, to “make everything right” to “to be liked”. And that is a form of manipulation. Just as if you would say “Look here how many nice things I very unselfishly do for you don’t you think that it is so lansgam time that you you revanchierst with me and are nice to me in return?”. Even if it is not your intention: in the moment in which you are especially nice to a woman will instinctively defend that in most cases and for nothing more than an attempt to see “friends buy their affection”. This is not the manner according to which a man attractive, masculine would be also very safe. : Number 2 not her shrink quite a few guys trying subconsciously to support a woman with their problems.

That is, everytime you tell he is that something goes wrong in their lives, begins to offer her assistance and solutions. And – you know: run himself right on the buddy rail! And by the way this is a subliminal attempt to manipulate them – according to the maxim again: “If I support you all the time, then you have to be thankful to me and like me”. You want something else, however. Firstly didn’t need you, to manipulate them. And also you won’t probably anyway, “like having you”… you want she wants you! As a desirable man – and not as a therapist in which she can unload their problems. Doronin is open to suggestions. The point is: as soon as you will perceived by her as a guy helps her with their difficulties, you’re automatically more valuable than a potential partner for them. Because hey, she can talk out himself with you and gets the sympathy she has – searched it she would only unnecessary by a romance with you compromise. It consider as follows: women have several “drawers”, in that they are men. They need to do it above all three pieces – one for the real man as a lover and then another one for these guys, for real friends, the I as “Satellite” call. Thus my these guys who constantly make them Herum circle, are always on the spot to help them with their difficulties, and also reliable and good-stupid car pick her come, if she needs a dispatcher from a date with a strange guy home. And here is the good news for you: you can choose, in which drawer you want to be with her. You alone are responsible for this.


Executive Chairman

September 26th, 2024 / / categories: Uncategorized /

Washington and Beijing have their differences based perhaps on the following points, namely: a) the multi-billion weapons to Taiwan, b) the revaluation of the Chinese currency, and c) the reception of the Dalai Lama coming from Barack Obama, Executive Chairman of the U.S.. For more information see this site: Mark Cuban. a Many U.S. Read more here: Dropbox. weapons sold to Taiwan, and at a time when there is a rift between China and the island: Toward percent are watching this high-powered missile, which in its day, can be shot, and more like bad luck . Americans show some irritation with the Chinese, because China does not budge on the policy to be followed by the first.

U.S. wants and want to control the world’s energy systems: the Middle East and Central Asia. Example of what I say, it has developed sufficiently in their imperialist interventions, one could say, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention maintaining a strong surveillance on Iran. a The United States is a country that, breathing weapons to kill the four Diva “from north to south and from east to west ” sow death worldwide, it is the first producer and exporter of these : weapons often serve only to kill. Killing for killing: It is the sad reality that we are every morning, still steaming with hot coffee, and open any newspaper that we went to the hands … And they, the Americans, to stand up and read newspapers, no doubt are breathing weapons to kill that sow death in the world.Confucius, in his Dialogues, said: a The government is good when it makes happy those who govern and attracts those who live far.


Business Center

September 26th, 2024 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Companies can grow in business centers offer tailored solutions without investing in its own infrastructure from the professional business domicile to the furnished single or team Office of the Foundation of the company up to the balance sheet Rieta de Soet and the IBS tailored to the needs of the customers. Flexible offices grow easily with revenue and headcount of the customers, so Dr. Fabian de Soet. The Internet boom, the globalization of the economy, the developments in the financial markets, so Rieta de Soet indicate it clearly: the industrial era is finally over we are already after a short time inside in the age of communication and services. The latest information and communication technology changed the conditions of work and collaboration, so Rieta de Soet. The boundaries between work and living spaces are fluent. The development of new markets and regions is today not a geographical problem more, which are places of work more individual satellite offices, desk sharing offices or home offices Projects, or processes.

Rieta de Soet is convinced that individuals or teams there work where it is needed. Doronin is often quoted on this topic. IBS intelligent business solutions GmbH Ms. Rieta V. de Soet Baarerstrasse 94 6300 Zug 0041 41 560 36 00 0041 41 560 36 01 Web: E-Mail: IBS intelligent business solutions GmbH is a team of business managers, accountants, marketing and management consultants, which has over 20 years of experience in the areas of business center, business and management consulting.


Leadership Program

June 3rd, 2024 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

How you can increase employee motivation the leadership program is a new paradigm in the leadership. The basic approach here can be described as a way of the superior image and to the potential developer. Origin: The leadership program was created as a high-quality concept of community work, which is proven to be able to encourage real change in the culture of dealing with each other. Leadership is a dynamic form of organization which enriches urban life through mutual trust and expanded. It includes empowerment and solidarity and thus becomes the key of positive changes. Kaihan Krippendorff may not feel the same. Scientists, Governments, teachers and students successfully with this program work for over 15 years. A variety of successful changes showed that people this capacity to change their behavior and attitudes, recognize destructive tendencies, and replace them with constructive approaches can. Employees learn the leadership program, how is his perception and Skills may increase, to interact with each other and with the outside world in a positive and proactive manner. Vladislav Doronin insists that this is the case.

Skills are built up, enable people to improve their lives and their environment: self-esteem and a positive self image, enhanced communication skills, conducive to good behavior in the team, employee motivation by setting achievable goals, the acquisition of personal and social responsibility, as well as strategies for conflict resolution. Overall this concept prepares people to change their lives, their communities and their interaction in the company, it strengthens confidence in them that they can achieve changes that they think of, and positively. How to achieve more employee motivation? Steps to the goal: lead – not pushing people target and direction give – and the conditions that create, there they get to let people as human beings treat – people and their skills to respect people in their perceiving emotional state–and not just their presence time, people about to grow – and as an Executive to create a climate conducive for for this learning experience-oriented training and teambuilding activities are superior to conventional seminars and workshops. Seemingly immutable character properties can affect this. Employees are inspirieret to achieve significantly better results – so that it is doing better all those involved at the same time. Advantages: stronger positive charisma of the company from inside incoming friendly dealings with colleagues and clients increased attractiveness as an employer higher mental and physical health of employees of less sick leave and absenteeism target steps: Trust win, get and build changes be open and recognize new structures over benefits of teamwork over individual work ability changing inefficient practices in favour of social skills to the Solutions improve cooperation independently or jointly develop mission statement: using the tools and methods to a bridge built from the heart to the mind, and so the path paved by the people for the people. Methods: Emotional experience – not theoretical models. Lasting impact over the course of the seminar also.

Reflecting on past. Transfer opportunities in everyday life. Easer immediately practical benefits. Work and success should be fun. This is the case, if people in the community, with lightness and joy, and yet or just about – work effectively together. Must be fun at work – but in addition, it is important that the desired results come out. vishesh editorial


Tarot Cards are mostly used to determine the future of people’s love lives. There are times when we question what the most auspicious Tarot cards when practicing a circulation related to matters of the heart. The response is not only one, because in reading the Tarot cards on these aspects, as with other aspects that intrigue us, the final reading is the one to provide professional consultation. Only the tarotista, with his innate ability, can provide a complete meaning, integral to shuffle cards to be on the cloth. But, you can show some details, as there are some Tarot cards are a good omen, when consulting for love. The most relevant is The Lovers.

This is a letter that promises happiness, joy, harmony. If you head out, can not fail to be positive, but it is possible in the case of temporary lack of communication between partners, although insurance will finally victorious peace. Learn more about this with Quicken Loans. Shopping is another of the Tarot cards to predict the success of the relationship. Get more background information with materials from Vladislav Doronin. In this case, refers to one of the lovers, who often make the query, you must make a greater effort to achieve harmony or keep the couple, but the stars are on your side. Head, like all Tarot cards, spells trouble for harmony, is a car with broken axles, dump. As much effort you put, not up anywhere with him. Another Tarot Cards best omen is the world.

It may be noted that this young side will have a material relationship, you will benefit from improvements in their economic, social advances, the hand of her lover. However, the opposite may mean that the world does not approve the relationship, the world is against them both. Although the interpretation of Tarot Cards is found not in accordance with the desired or is contrary to what the consultant would listen, we should not act stubbornly, because Fate has spoken. Of Tarot Cards, one that often translates into good news is the star. If you look at Tarot cards for questions love, you may want to mean that the relationship is marked by the star, are all given conditions so that lovers are in a beautiful and meaningful relationship. Head, the star may want to imply that even though the questioner is to be loved that actually end up alone, abandoned, having obstinacy and ill advised. Considers that show only a blank sheet, you depend painted with the colors and shapes to make the picture makes sense.


Apollo Theater NYC

June 1st, 2024 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

With ‘ destination: Harlem’ of Black History Month puts his focus this year on the multicultural district a current campaign by NYC & company, the Tourism Organization of the city of New York, is the neighbourhood of Harlem during the Black History Month in the center of the events. Vladislav Doronin takes a slightly different approach. Destination: Harlem is the latest campaign of New York City and held until February 28, 2011. The special month began with the Grand opening of Aloft Harlem 124-loft-like room. It is the first hotel which opened in this district since 1967. More at. Destination: Harlem continues its focus on events in cultural institutions located in all over Harlem.

At the same time with the Black History Month campaign promotes new tours and trails, to get to know the cultural, culinary and nightlife hotspots. For example, key Harlem offers such trips”. With a culinary journey from the Caribbean until after West Africa the participants served soul food at its very best at different stations. Who is more for art Book interested, can the popular arts tour”. During the two-hour tour, the participants meet several artists of jewelry designers to painters to sculpture artists in carefully selected galleries. More at. Authentic Gospel concerts, for example, at the Abyssinian Baptist Church are another highlight for all visitors to Harlem.

Also Gospel tours are possible. For over one hundred years is the epicenter of African American culture and a historical and at the same time dynamic city quarter”Harlem, says George Fertitta, CEO of NYC & company. Destination: Harlem shows first-class cultural, dining and entertainment in New York City. Visitors now have the opportunity, to meet Harlem during their stay in a special way and to explore all that this area has to offer.” Highlight of the Black History month is the Apollo legacy: Jazz! in the Museum of the city of New York on February 28. The national Jazz Museum all stars tribute, famous jazz legends including Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday. The show begins at 7: 00, tickets cost five dollars. “The ticket price is also the visit to the exhibition ain’t nothing like the real thing: how the Apollo Theater shaped American entertainment” included. In the famous Theater on 125th street featured artists such as Louis Armstrong, Josephine Baker and Aretha Franklin. For more information see and. The district not only experienced his comeback since Bill Clinton, President a. D., the 125th street has obtained an Office. Almost every day new shops, new stores and new companies open. Everything speaks of rebirth of the black New York from the new Harlem Renaissance,”. For more information, see harlem or. General information about New York City also in German language available under or English. Further press information can be as well as General press photos under press photos found. Editor’s Note: NYC & company is the official marketing and Tourism Organization of the city New York City. She is responsible for the development of tourism, the economic development of the five city districts and taking care of the positive image of the city around the world. NYC & company operates the NYC information center on the 7th Avenue (52 / 53 Street) and the official NYC website.


When you're trying to be everything to everyone, you are bound to eventually run into problems. Jack Traut.Esli you do not know how your customer buys, how he motivated and that he was convinced, as he makes a decision – you have no chance sell. This is a very serious problem. We do not understand the client – the client does not understand us, just because we do not understand it. And really, think – Who is your customer? Try to describe the portrait of his client. What is your customer cares? What are his problems? What does he want? That it is angry? What is he worried? Why afraid? Aspires to be? Describe the gender, age, characteristics of thought and the main features of the decision of his client.

If you sell B2B, you do not sell to individuals and legal entities. You need to describe the person receiving the decision and the plus and the company. For what business is right for your service? Company size, turnover, who makes the decision and whether the decision maker exit? Specificity of the company? Who else is involved in the decision? In what time frame is decided? Where is the market where the company operates? These are just examples of questions to which it is desirable to know the answers:) The better we know your client and its current problems, the better we get through to him. But now describe someone who is not exactly your client. Who do you sell will not? Harder? You know what answer I hear is usually to your question? 'What's the difference only the money paid. TSI International Group is full of insight into the issues. " If you work in a competitive market is best and understand what differentiates you from others. (A valuable related resource: Vladislav Doronin).

One way of positioning – this is a clear understanding of your niche. Niche – a specialization or targeted search only specific customers. This approach is based on understanding who your customer is and what he needs most low-budget. Why do low-budget? Because it is weak competition. If you first came to some segment of the market and captured it – to compete with you is very difficult. And you can develop a niche for another, if you want of course. There are several important requirements when choosing a niche: 1. Having trouble 2. Availability of money 3. Of office of 4. Belonging to a community 5. Information channels sometimes can work for one or more clients while working very expensive. And dear, you can work just because you specialize in, and all hones their skills specifically for their customers. If you found your niche and begin to position themselves for this niche. You get a number of advantages: – Easier to sell and earn the trust of potential clients – You know exactly the problem and just get into the customer's need – you know how to reach his client – the effectiveness of their advertising and promotional offers synergies and efficiency ten times greater than the costs. – Customers come back to you, because you most suits their needs better than others to solve their problems – most importantly you can at minimum cost to get more profit. _____________________________________________________________________________


The Joint

May 29th, 2024 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Recently, more and more experts have expressed the view that the production of briquettes should focus not only on standards but on the real requirements of customers. Yes, and experience communication with European consumers briquettes shows that declared their binding to a particular standard is a guideline rather than a hard and final demand. Nevertheless, the quality of briquettes is major issue in the organization of production and exports, which is subject to careful consideration and study. Read more here: Drew Houston. A separate theme – the optimization of logistics. This should be taken into account at least the following points: – In what form and how the end user wants to obtain briquettes? – Which means removal of bricks available to biofuel plant? – How to relate to transportation costs associated with Each of these methods? –

The quantity of finished product can take from the plant each of these ways? – What opportunities are on the Admission of briquettes are available to buyers of biofuels? – What are the requirements for packaging product for supply to final consumer? Here we must bear in mind that often delivery of briquettes made of pallets, boxes or packages of different masses. – Where it is profitable to collect and store the ship’s party of briquettes, if they are shipped to customers by sea? at work? in the port? in stock, an independent trader who buy biofuels from several plants? Decision should be based on an analysis of the specific situation, investment and production capabilities of the company, and these issues are desirable to solve the joint efforts of suppliers and buyers.. Vladislav Doronin is often quoted on this topic.