Tag Archive: art and science


Art Course

February 11th, 2021 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

For our culture, that if bases on science and considers history, science that studies the actions human beings, the parameter of the judgment is history. Bausch & Lomb may find this interesting as well. A workmanship is seen as work of art how much it has importance in history and it contributes for formation and development of a culture. For many critics the quality of a Work of art can be recognized, Art with ' ' A' ' capital letter, when it registers carrying through of an experience, with all the interest and the anxiety of search that follow necessarily it. When it is determined and determinative of the cultural systems that if find inserted. as such is capable to modify thoughts and action.

On the basis of such parameters the Brazilian People was chosen the Literary composition the Formation and the Direction of Brazil, for study criticizes and appreciative, while he has asked for of evaluation of the course of After-Graduation Latu Sensu Art and Culture of the Institute Humanities – University Candido Mendes. For considering it a Sublime authorship, Work of art Darcy Ribeiro, that in it allows leaving of the present moment to understand, to know and to criticize our past, with the objective to construct a new future. Been born in 26 of October of 1922 in Clear Mounts, Minas Gerais. Darcy Ribeiro, abandons the course of Medicine in 1944, to register the School of Sociology and Politics of So Paulo. Dedicating until the end of its days the art to answer why Brazil not yet gave certain.


Ambient Education Teams

November 25th, 2020 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

A very important procedure in Ambient Education is the creation of net systems, that is, the establishment of intersetoriais simultaneous actions, that occur for capillarity and involve all the individuals and institutions. The tasks are distributed and all act cooperatively: from ' ' starts' ' centered, the actions are decentralized, diversified, folloied systematically and evaluated for the involved ones. All the projects of Ambient Education that not to guarantee decentralized, systematic character and continuity are predestinold to the failure. As, in general, the teams that plan and execute are composed for few people and temporary, the systematic character and the continuity alone can be assured when the net systems are used. The most adjusted adaptable between these systems they are the ones that adopt the formation of reverse speed-publishers and multipliers, pertaining to the white population where it will be gone to act. Teams to multidiscipline must combine the local community and create, guide and follow local teams, formed for individuals and representative groups that exert the most diverse occupations, more than they are respected and accepted, competent, well-connected and esteem. Such teams, good prepared and folloied, will be able to assure the execution, continuity and the success of the project, because they will act in the direction to construct the desirable behaviors in practical the daily one of the life of the populations. The systematic accompaniment to the teams of multipliers and reverse speed-publishers is indispensable, assuring return to the joined difficulties and the periodic reverse speed-planning of the work, aiming at to the creation of processes of self management and support in the communities. > already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Thus he is possible to affirm that the Ambient Education becomes key in the measure where each one desperte for its potential to contribute for a more ethical world and its responsibility of if engaging in processes that aim at the well biggest one that prioritizes the respect to the life.


Toll Receiving

May 4th, 2019 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

In the process of fagocitose of the parasite for the macrophages, the leishmnias initially be situated in vacolo parasitforo, surrounded for the membrane of the cell hostess, who to follow establishes with lisossomo, that she contains proteolticas enzymes capable to lisar the parasites, forming fagolisossomo. However, the metacclicas forms can delay the formation of fagolisossomo and the enzyme gp63 (protease) can act degrading lisossomais enzymes. Thus, the metacclicas forms, act initially, modifying the intracellular environment, to changed successfully into the form amastigota and to promote its response. Moreover, depending on the species of leishmnia fagocitada, vacolo parasitforo shows distinct characteristics. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Kaihan Krippendorff by clicking through. The fagolisossomos I contend parasitic of the Leishmania subgenus are great (about one tero of the cell), I contend several amastigotas adhered to the membrane. Already the fagolissomos I contend parasitic of the Viannia subgenus are small pressed, I only contend one amastigota exempts for vacolo. Some works also demonstrate that it is possible to find parasitic invading the cytoplasm of the cell (I coat for RITTIG; BOGDAN; 2000). Although the innumerable mechanisms of evasion that the parasites use, the cells of the innate immune system possess receivers that recognize molecular standards of the parasite and can activate some factors of transcription, unchaining the production of citocinas and quimiocinas, that culminate in the formation of the inflammatory reply to the tecidual invasion.

In the infection for Leishmania, the receiver of type TLR2 (Toll Receiving Like 2), gifts in macrophages and dendrticas cells, can be set in motion by VEER molecules LPG (et al., 2003; KAVOOSI; ARDESTANI; KARIMINIA, 2009). The TLR2 can signal the activation of the factor of NF-kB transcription in these cells and induce the production of diverse proinflammatory citocinas (KAWAI; AKIRA, 2010). The Interferon-gamma (IFN ) and the Factor of alpha Tumoral Necrosis (TNF) are citocinas proinflammatory that synergic act for the elimination of the parasites, inducing the microbicidas molecule production important for the macrophages, as nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and peroxinitrito (LIEW; I READ; MILLOTT, 1990; VOULDOUKIS et al., 1997). Studies in vitro of infection of human macrophages for different species of leishmnia show that these cells are permissive the infection for these parasites, and when activated for citocinas, as the IFN and for bacterial products, such as the lipopolissacarideo (LPS), agonista of TLR4, is capable to eliminate intracellular parasites (VOULDOUKIS et al., 1995; FOREST et al., 1998; PANARO et al., 1999). The studies of interaction between leishmnias human macrophages and are scarce and less still it has published, considering the infection for L. (V.) braziliensis and L. (L.


Myth, Philosophers and Scientists

February 23rd, 2017 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Since whom he had conscience to exist in the world, the man, as much how much to take care of of its proper survival, incessantly was worried in knowing of where came and for where he goes. Inquietou for catching the reality, knowing as and because the things to its redor happen, of the form as they happen. Nothing it moved with regard to this, of the primrdios until today. But of what never these concerns still exist. The way to deal with them, in transcorrer of history, is that it has followed different ways. For the primitive peoples and of the Antiquity, in Greece, the first form to try to explain the reality was through Mythology.

Some natural phenomena had passed to be explained as being determined for called entities Deuses. The winds, the oceans, the fire, rains and others as many phenomena had passed to be attributed to the will of this Deuses. The peoples had imagined then them as having to be able supernatural, they reverenciaram and them and they cultuaram. For those peoples, in its time, the things were decided. The phenomena existed because these entities made powerful them to happen. This belief of the peoples in deuses mitolgicos lasted for much time, contemplating the man in its basic investigations on the world.

But one another form to explain the reality started to appear, also still in the Antiquity. It was the advent of the Philosophy. For philosophy ‘ is understood; ‘ friend of sabedoria’ ‘ (filo=amigo + to sofia=saber). Differently of the mythology, that is a form of knowledge based on the fantasiosa representation of the reality, where deuses appeared as product of the imagination of a people, maneuvers the natural phenomena and supernatural, the philosophy has in the reason the bedding of its explanations of problems that same it chose as basic.


Biological Sciences

July 27th, 2013 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Using the breaking game heads for the education of Biological Sciences Renata Rafaela Alves Gomes Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North, Center of Biocincias, Department of Physiology – PIBID? Institucional program of Stock markets of Initiation to the Docncia? Av. Salty Senator son, University Campus New Lagoon, CEP: 59072-970? Natal/RN – Brazil Summary the education and learning of Biology sufficiently leave to desire in the proposal pedagogical traditional. This model applied in classroom is seen as ones of the causes of the dispersion of the pupils around the education, who see as something to it tedious and insignificant. Therefore, one of the great challenges of the current education, either in Biology or other areas, is to awake the interest, curiosity and attention of the pupil. Recognizing this difficulty, it has each time more the necessity of the application of playful in the education process the learning.

Ahead of this, the objective of this work was to produce a game that assists the professor and facilitates the setting of the content for the pupil. The game is one ' ' citolgico&#039 breaks head; ' composition for thirty and two parts which approaches organelas and other pertinent components to the cell. The pupils will go to learn on cytology of a different and amused form, having for that to stimulate the reasoning, memory, logic, patience, and knowledge. For the professor, the game is a model that can be modified to use it on of other subjects of Biology. The game was applied in the School State Travelling Jnior, Christmas-RN, and evaluated for fifteen pupils had used who it. The majority of the students liked it game because it found it amused and it made with that they remembered previously of the given content. The perspective is to spread out the game for more pupils and professors to get itself resulted ampler.