Taiwan’s Economics Ministry reports 2013 Taiwan Taiwan’s economy was relatively strong in the year 2013 despite the difficult conditions in the country and abroad and export result achieved by more than $ 300 billion for the third year in a row. “Exports of the country increased slightly by 0.7 percent to $ 303,22 billion, the second-highest total so far, while the net trade surplus to a record high of 33,14 billion”, said an official of the Ministry of economy. “Policies, pay to develop national exports to emerging markets,” said an official, and added that this reflected 2.81% increase in deliveries to the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in one in the first 11 months. At the same time, Taiwan increased its trade relations with the EU and the United States. The former Vice President Vincent Siew C.
led delegations to both partners in an effort to promote more bilateral exchanges and trade agreement negotiations. “That Ministry will seek also to complete the negotiations on a goods trade agreement between each side of the Taiwan Strait by the end of the year and to pursue greater liberalisation”, said the official. Export promotion remains an important political goal, especially in emerging markets like ASEAN, Central and Eastern Europe and South America. According to the annual report were the respondents generally believe that Taiwan is a good place to do business, and described the goods trade agreement between each side of the Taiwan Strait as a positive development for both sides. (ca)