Monthly Archives:May 2014


Personal Auto

May 15th, 2014 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

I would like to share with you one of the secrets of overcoming Personal Auto. Here’s the secret: for autosuperarte you have to return you evenly selfish. So as you read it! Has it surprised you? Maybe you’re thinking: of course, if I have to return me selfish, because step to self-improvement! I know that you think about it because I, like you, I have been educated for not being SELFISH in life. And like me, surely happened that when you tried to seek you your well-being you have chided: you only think you! Others don’t care about you! You are selfish! And little by little, you’ve been convincing you that the right thing is to get to the bottom of the list (as long as someone else or else do not occupy that place). But once you’ve stopped to observe how you feel when you prioritize others at your own expense? Perhaps not feeling as the last jar orejon? Really think that this sentiment does not pollute your relationships? I do not know tries to be happy at the expense of others, but nor is it of you relegues your happiness by others, because once you do, you’re showing him those who surround you and showing yourself, you do not deserve nor your own care. And you know how this ends: your self-esteem crashed into a thousand pieces on the ground. Take seriously your happiness because if you’re not happy, believe me, you can not do happy anyone.On the contrary, you teniras your spaces of life (family, friends, work) with your unhappiness. Do you still even thinking that putting you at the end of the list you will improve something to your around?


“SharePoint offers many possibilities, she introduces you to Halvotec by some Microsoft SharePoint is somewhat flapsig as the eggs legend wool milk sow” means, but is this really true? What are the opportunities of SharePoint for businesses? Areas in which it can be used? What are its advantages and what are the limitations? In the Microsoft SharePoint lecture series 2011 free offered by the software company Halvotec, these questions are clarified. Microsoft SharePoint is an extremely versatile product and offers companies a variety, but that this is accurate, is often difficult to understand due to textual description. The IT service provider Halvotec information services GmbH in Rosenheim in Bavaria, want to change this now. Every last Thursday in the month he offers a free lecture for all those interested, to more closely meet the applications of Microsoft SharePoint. Experienced SharePoint professionals present solutions to the visitors numerous examples and available for questions.

Visitors will know where they can put SharePoint in the enterprise, what problems that can be resolved and what the features of SharePoint. Here, not only the SharePoint Server version is considered. Just the first lecture in January 2011 illuminated the free SharePoint Foundation (formerly known as SharePoint Services) closer. SharePoint Foundation already provides many functions for companies that can be used free of charge. In this presentation, pointed out the possibilities of SharePoint Foundation, represented but also its restrictions to the server version. The other presentations in the ensuing months deal with issues such as document management, business intelligence, project management, process management, and and and… Halvotec offers many companies, seeking new ways of solving their needs, a platform, without any obligation to inform themselves, to get new ideas or to get your questions by professionals answered. All interested parties are friendly invited lectures free of charge to visit. More information about the free SharePoint talks get on the Web site Halvotec under training.